Canada's Road Safety Strategy: Aiming for Zero Fatalities

Canada’s Road Safety Strategy is a challenging journey. When creating safer roads and reducing fatalities, the #1 hurdle is…

Many have NO clue how to do it. But this is what separates an average country from a safety-conscious nation. You’ll never reach this level if you don’t know how to sustainably implement effective road safety measures.

Canada's Road Safety Strategy

Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2025 – Towards Zero

Greetings to the coming age of highway safety in Canada.

We’re talking about ‘Towards Zero,’ a vision aiming for zero fatalities and severe road injuries by 2025.

The Vision Behind ‘Towards Zero’

This isn’t just an ambitious goal; it’s part of a comprehensive strategy known as Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2025.

Enhancing Law Enforcement for Road Safety

A key component is enhanced law enforcement measures. This includes stricter penalties for traffic violations and better training programs for officers handling these cases.

Infrastructure Improvements Under this Strategy

Better infrastructure is another central focus area under this plan. Think safer intersections, well-lit highways, and improved signage – all aimed at reducing accidents significantly.

Role of Research in Shaping Road Safety Measures

It helps us understand what works best when it comes to preventing collisions.

Research has been instrumental in shaping many aspects of this strategy. With advancements like autonomous vehicles and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), leveraging vehicle technologies could be game-changing.

Raising Public Awareness About Factors Contributing To Collisions

It’s not enough if we have stringent laws or superior technology; public awareness matters. Hence, efforts are being made to educate people about various factors contributing to crashes.

Now you know how committed Canada is to achieve its ‘Zero’ vision with the help of enhanced law enforcement measures & technological advancements, among other things.

But wait till you dive into some hard facts related to Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics.

Next up: Understanding collision statistics from across different jurisdictions within Canada.

Understanding Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics

The first step in tackling any problem is understanding it.

So let’s dive deep into Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics.

Overview of motor vehicle traffic collision trends in Canada

Over the past decade, Canada has seen a decrease in fatalities on its roads due to various factors, such as improved road infrastructure and stricter law enforcement.

Various factors, such as enhanced road infrastructure and more stringent law enforcement, have helped reduce fatalities on Canadian roads.

  • Data from the National Collision Database reveals fewer than 2,000 fatal collisions were reported annually over the past decade.
  • A closer look at these figures shows us that although we have made significant progress, our work isn’t done yet.

Factors contributing to collisions according to statistical data

Distracted driving emerges as one primary culprit behind many accidents – more reason why initiatives like “Towards Zero: The Safest Roads in the World” are crucial.

  • We also see alcohol-impaired driving playing a role too often with devastating consequences. We need ongoing efforts towards public awareness about safe driving practices.
  • Sometimes, though, even perfect drivers fall victim due to poor weather conditions or mechanical failures, which further emphasizes the importance of regular vehicle maintenance checks and adapting your drive style based on current weather situations.

Let’s keep delving into other facets of the roadway safety plan in the following parts of this blog entry so we can be better informed to comprehend what needs to shift for all Canadians to have safer roads. Let’s continue exploring other aspects of road safety strategy in the following sections of this blog post.

Alcohol Crash Problem in Canada

The issue of alcohol-related crashes is a significant one impacting road safety.

We will delve into this topic, examining survey results and other relevant data that shed light on how much alcohol contributes to accidents on Canadian streets.

Evidence from Roadside Surveys on Alcohol Use Among Drivers

Roadside surveys have been instrumental in understanding the extent of alcohol use among drivers. They reveal alarming rates; it’s an issue we can’t ignore.

The Societal Impact of Alcohol-Related Crashes

Beyond personal tragedies, these incidents also bear high societal costs, including healthcare services and loss of productivity at work. In fact, according to MADD Canada’s statistics, “every single day, about four Canadians are killed.”

This sobering reality underscores our need for effective strategies against drunk driving.

In the future necessitates not only comprehending these issues but also taking action on them in a productive manner.

This brings us to another crucial aspect affecting road safety – using electronic communication devices while driving…

Electronic Communication Devices (ECDs) Usage & Road Safety Concerns

Staying connected is increasingly seen as a necessity in today’s world.

ECD usage while driving, however, has become an alarming concern for road safety in Canada.

Surveys Revealing Extent of ECD Usage Among Drivers

A recent Statistics Canada survey revealed that over 25% of Canadian drivers admitted using their cell phones while driving at least once within the past month.

This behavior significantly increases the risk of accidents as it diverts attention from the primary task – safe and attentive driving.

The Impact ECD Use Has Had on Overall Road Accident Statistics

The Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics report (2018) highlighted that distracted driving-related fatalities have surpassed those resulting from drinking and driving.

  • Distracted drivers accounted for approximately 21% of fatal collisions compared to impaired drivers who contributed about 18%. This demonstrates how critical addressing this issue is towards achieving our goal under “Canada’s Road Safety Strategy.”
  • In fact, according to another study by Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, engaging with your phone makes you 23 times more likely to be involved in a collision or near-crash event. We need action against such dangerous habits if we want safer roads across all jurisdictions.
  • Combating these issues effectively requires raising public awareness regarding dangers associated with electronic device use during vehicle operation, enhancing law enforcement efforts targeting distracted motorists, and leveraging technological solutions to prevent mobile device distraction, among others.


The BC Road Safety Strategy is a comprehensive plan to reduce traffic-related fatalities and injuries in British Columbia through enhanced enforcement, infrastructure improvements, education, and technology.


One key target of Canada's road safety strategy is to significantly reduce fatalities and serious injuries on Canadian roads by 2025.


Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2025 aims for zero fatalities or serious injuries. It focuses on improved law enforcement, better infrastructure, research support, vehicle safety technologies utilization, and public awareness campaigns.


The Safe System Approach in Canada involves designing a transportation system that ensures user mistakes do not result in fatal or severe outcomes. This includes safer speeds, vehicles, roadsides, and people's behavior.