Top 10 Tips for Passing Your Motorcycle Road Test

There is that ecstatic feeling of freedom and independence that you get when you ride a motorcycle. The breeze of air against your face, the open road, the sound of a powerful engine between your legs and that feeling that you can go anywhere spontaneously are things you can only experience on a motorcycle. But before riding that motorcycle, you must acquire a motorcycle license. Of course, for you to get certified with a motorcycle license, you must pass the motorcycle road test. Usually, candidates are evaluated based on the errors they make during the road test. However, getting a pass is a walk in the park if only you adhere to the following crucial tips:

Motorcycle Road Test

Know how to balance on your motorcycle

Before you get approved for the ultimate motorcycle road test, you will have to go through a closed course test in a secluded location. The aim of the closed course test is to evaluate your balancing skills on a motorcycle. Candidates are told to ride in between cones in what looks like a MotoGP course but more complicated. If you want to pass the closed course test without breaking a sweat, learn how to maneuver your motorcycle in between cones without any of your foot touching the ground. The trick is to ride at a snail’s pace while still maintaining balance.

Do a safety test

Before the road test, the examiner is required to check if your motorcycle is in a good working order. Hence, even a broken tail light is enough to stop your road test from proceeding. If you want to be on the safe side, you have to do a safety routine check a few days before the scheduled road test. This will give you enough time to fix any part you might find faulty. On the D day, the examiner will probably ask you perform a safety check and identify components of your motorcycle. Just make sure you don’t give the examiner an excuse to ruin your day by stopping the motorcycle road test before it even begins.

Get dressed for the occasion

You wouldn’t do a safety test and forget to wear the appropriate safety gear, would you? Since the examiner will be giving you instructions via ear-buds, full face helmets are better suited to properly secure the hearing device than half helmets. Plus the last thing you want to hear is unnecessary noise that blocks the instructor’s voice. For the rest of the safety gear, make sure they comply with your provincial regulations on motorcycle riding.

Observe and signal

The examiner will be keen to see how often you observe and signal. There is no such thing as observing too much. In fact, it is better to overdo it than fall short of expectations. The examiner will want to see your head move a little bit as you observe for blind spots, turns, lane changes and traffic analysis. Signaling is just as important as the observation. For every turn you make and every lane you change, you must signal in advance. Don’t forget to check the mirrors too and work on your hand signals when necessary.

Maintain the speed limit

It is easy to get carried away on the freeway and over speed leaving your examiner too far behind. Relax, it is just a motorcycle road test, not ‘The Fast and the Furious’! Don’t make rolling stops either and remember to slow down when you ride through school zones and residential areas. Although there is usually a lot of emphases not to over speed, it also crucial not under speed especially if you’re cruising through high-speed traffic.

Avoid lane splitting 

Most riders have a habit of riding in between lanes of vehicles moving towards the same direction especially during traffic congestion. Although lane splitting can be a time saver, it can be a dangerous maneuver that is not welcome during the road test. You will only blame yourself if you get knocked down by an open door or a car changing lanes unexpectedly.

Calm your nerves 

It is normal to get test nerves before the test. However, if you don’t get hold of your nerves, it will control you. For instance, applying excessive brakes and shaky acceleration patterns could be symptoms of test nerves. Or maybe you just did not practice enough. But just in case you’re nervous, there are ways you can calm yourself down like taking a deep breath and training your mind to take positive thoughts. Eating a few bananas and avoiding too much caffeine before the road test might also help ease the situation.

Listen keenly 

Sometimes people fail just because they did not follow the instructions. Even though the examiner is not there to coach you, there is nothing wrong with asking a few questions before the test begins. Since the examiner will be following you closely behind in a car while sending you instruction via a hearing device, ask if there is any way you can signal to him/her to repeat the instructions in case you don’t grasp it. If you notice your ear-buds are defective when doing the road test, you have every right to pull up at the roadside and explain to your examiner.

Get enough rest before the test

The night before the test; make sure you get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Avoid drinking or partying the night before the test. In fact, if you show any signs of alcohol/drugs influence or judgment impairment during the test, the examiner will stop the test immediately.

Choose the right motorcycle 

This is a secret most beginner riders don’t know; the smaller a motorcycle, the better it is for the road test. Bringing along a powerful 1000cc large bike will not do you any favors. However, don’t go for the smallest ones that are better off being driven by 10-year-old kids. A simple 250cc motorcycle is perfectly ideal for a road test. What is important is passing the motorcycle road test, not what type of motorcycle you will bring along.

If you have not already done so, practice with our motorcycle practice test as often as you need to.

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