Riders should regularly inspect their motorcycles to ensure they are in good condition for the road. By following these rules and regulations, riders can enjoy a safe and thrilling ride on their motorcycle.
Motorcycle Knowledge Test Practice
If you want to make sure you get it right, here are some simple things you can do to ace the written portion:
Use your knowledge – Learning is solidified as you put into practice what you have studied. You can accomplish this by discussing what you have learned with friends or loved ones. Take notice of signs and traffic scenarios while you are a passenger and talk about them with an adult. Check with the adult to make sure you are correct in what you say.
You also need to obtain and study this guide entitled: The Official MTO Motorcycle Handbook. This handbook provides guidelines for drivers of motorcycles, three-wheeled motorcycles, limited-speed motorcycles (LSMs), and motor-assisted bicycles (mopeds).
This online motorcycle knowledge test practice, with multiple choice questions, is intended to help you prepare for the Ontario M1 Motorcycle driver’s test that is required before you can get your Motorcycle driver’s license. This free practice written knowledge test is a lesson that is essential for getting your Ontario M1 driver’s license at your local licensing office.
To find out more information about how you can excel at your written motorcycle license knowledge test, contact us today.