The Northwest Territories of Canada is known for its pristine wilderness and vast expanse of land. However, despite the low population density, proper traffic and road rules are enforced to ensure the safety of drivers and pedestrians alike. In this region, seat belts are mandatory for all passengers, and speeding fines can be incredibly steep.


Northwest Territories Traffic Rules Test 02

1 / 25

Before beginning a parking manoeuvre, you should...?

2 / 25

When parallel parking, you should start to straighten your wheels when you have reached an angle relative to the curb of...?

3 / 25

Parking uphill on the right-hand side of the street with a curb, you should set your wheels...?

4 / 25

You must park no less than what distance from a stop or yield sign or traffic light?

5 / 25

If parking on a primary highway where permitted by law, you must make sure that your vehicle can be seen in both directions along the roadway for...?

6 / 25

At uncontrolled intersections, right-of-way rests with...?

7 / 25

When backing to the left or right you should use...?

8 / 25

If you have right-of-way but a driver starts to turn left across you, you should...?

9 / 25

When parallel parking between two vehicles, you should begin from a position where your rear bumper is in line with...?

10 / 25

When leaving a parallel parking space, you should check...?

11 / 25

You should back your vehicle at...?

12 / 25

When approaching an angled parking space, before you turn you should remain at least what distance away from the rear of the vehicles already parked?

13 / 25

When backing out of an angled parking space, who has right of way?

14 / 25

If two vehicles arrive at a four way stop at the same time, which one should proceed first?

15 / 25

When backing in a straight line, you should use...?

16 / 25

If you are backing out of a driveway, you should...?

17 / 25

If you park facing downhill, your front wheels should always...?

18 / 25

If there is no stop line or marked crosswalk at an intersection, you must stop within what distance of the intersecting roadway?

19 / 25

On a two-way roadway, you can enter angled parking spaces on the left side...?

20 / 25

In what circumstances such Northwest Territories law permits you to leave a vehicle unattended with the engine running?

21 / 25

You may not park within what distance of a fire hydrant or the point on the opposite curb nearest to it?

22 / 25

By law, you cannot park with your nearside wheels more than what distance from the curb?

23 / 25

You're approaching a marked stop line and you can see there is no traffic coming in either direction. You must...?

24 / 25

When entering a traffic circle, if you are planning to proceed to the second exit or beyond you should...?

25 / 25

You're approaching a crosswalk. If you want to park, you must do so no less than what distance away from its closest side?

Your score is


Drivers must have a valid driver’s license and insurance in case of any accidents. The roads in the Northwest Territories can be challenging due to the harsh weather conditions, and it is crucial to keep a safe distance between vehicles and have proper winter tires during the winter months. Additionally, drivers must yield to wildlife, which is abundant in this region and may wander onto the roads unexpectedly. Overall, following traffic and road rules in the Northwest Territories is essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable driving experience.

This online traffic rules practice test, with multiple choice questions, is intended to help you prepare for the Northwest Territories Class 7 Driving Test required before you can get your driver’s license. This free practice written driving test is a lesson that is essential for getting your Northwest Territories driver’s license at your local licensing office. Whether you’re getting your Commercial Driver’s License, Learner’s Permit, or Motorcycle License, you’ve come to the right place. It is all FREE!