How to Get a Driver’s Licence in Saskatchewan

Fast Facts to Help You Obtain a Saskatchewan Driver’s Licence

Saskatchewan Driver's LicenceIf you are living in Saskatchewan and are eagerly anticipating getting behind the wheel of a car there are a few facts that you must know. You are going to need to complete the driving test if you want to legally operate a motor vehicle in Canada’s Saskatchewan province. This test is now standardized throughout Canada and you can begin preparing for your exam today.

The earliest age for Saskatchewan residents to obtain a licence is 15, and parental consent is necessary for minors. The age requirement for a driver’s licence can vary depending on the province in which you reside.

The Saskatchewan driving test is composed of three separate sections:

Written knowledge test (your results will be valid for 12 months)

Vision testing

Road test

*Depending on the licence classification you are seeking (and your personal health history) a medical exam may also be required before a driving licence can be issued.

Individuals who are beginning drivers will be required to complete this three-part examination. If you have not had a valid driver’s licence during the past five years, or want to change your licence classification, you will also have to take the driving exam.

New residents of Saskatchewan may have to complete the examination process if their current driving licence was issued by a country, province or state which has no reciprocal licensing agreement with the Saskatchewan government.

Driver Handbooks as Resource Tools
For additional information and details concerning the driving examination process you can purchase one of the Sakatchewan Driver Handbooks. These handbooks are wonderful resources for both beginning and experienced drivers to use when they want to prepare for the driving test.

Facts about the GDL
The Saskatchewan licensing system uses the Canadian GDL (graduated driver licensing) program. With this system individuals are given the time and assistance needed to establish safe and responsible driving habits. This program introduces new drivers to the rules of the road and traffic safety. The GDL program also ensures a standardized system of education and instruction that will be of great benefit to everyone.

The GDL for Saskatchewan drivers consists of three tiered stages. Each of these stages has specific limitations and restrictions that the licence holder must adhere to in order to move forward in the GDL program.

•Beginners are classified as learner drivers. This classification will last for at least nine months. It is possible to obtain a Saskatchewan learner’s licence when you are 15. In order to qualify for this test you must be enrolled in a driver training course.Those individuals who are not enrolled in a driver’s education course must be 16 years old before they are allowed to apply for a learner’s licence.

•You must be able to pass the written knowledge test if you hope to obtain your learner’s licence. This will demonstrate that you have an acceptable level of driver knowledge to be allowed to operate a vehicle with appropriate supervision. Learner licences can also be obtained once an individual has completed a course in driver training. These courses are available through commercial establishments and are also offered to high school students.

•Novice 1 drivers will need 6 months to complete this stage of the classification process. In order to advance to the Novice 1 licence classification the minimum age limit is 16. A road test and vision test must also be successfully completed to qualify for a Novice 1 designation.

•As a Novice 2 driver you must gain at least 12 months of experience before you can become eligible for the Class 5 licence designation. Novice 2 drivers will have fewer restrictions and more freedom on the road but some driving supervision is still necessary.

Class 5 drivers are considered to be experienced and knowledgeable motor vehicle operators. While there are numerous restrictions governing drivers with learner or novice classifications these restrictions will be removed for those who have earned Class 5 designations.

Proof of Identity
Having the proper identification is essential when you are ready to apply for a Saskatchewan driver’s licence. You must have at least two forms of identification and these documents must provide proof of your legal name, signature and birth date.

*If you have undergone any type of legal name change (such as marriage or adoption) then you will need documentation that provides the link between your original birth name and your present name.

It will also be necessary to prove that you are entitled to live in Canada. You can use a Canadian birth certificate, passport or immigration card as proof that you meet this specific requirement. Other documentation may also be acceptable to Saskatchewan officials.

The documentation that you provide to qualify for a driver’s licence must also Show that you are a legal resident of the Saskatchewan province. New residents who have just moved to Saskatchewan should be prepared with two separate documents that can show their current address. A declaration of residency will also be required.

*Saskatchewan residents are the only drivers who are allowed to use the compulsory auto insurance program that has been established in this province. Proof of residency must be shown in order to obtain this insurance.

Qualifying as a Saskatchewan Resident
Residents of Saskatchewan are those individuals who pay income tax to this province. You can also claim residency if you lease, rent or own housing within this province. In some situations (such as those involving minors) residency status will be granted to individuals who are living in the home of immediate family members (who have already established their qualification as Saskatchewan residents).

*Temporary residents can qualify for a driver licence in Saskatchewan if they are working or attending school in this province.

Schedule your Appointment
In most of the driver exam offices an appointment will be necessary. Satellite offices are able to offer written tests and computer tests are only available at established licensing locations. Please remember that you must be at least 16 years old to take the road test.

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