Commercial drivers in British Columbia, Canada, are subject to strict traffic rules and regulations when operating vehicles for business purposes.


BC Commercial Driver Test 02

1 / 30

You have been stopped for suspected drunk driving and you refuse the police officer's request for a breath or blood sample. What legal effect does your decision not to allow a breath or blood sample have whether or not you are charged and/or convicted of driving while impaired?

2 / 30

When you are driving a large commercial vehicle on the highway, what is the minimum distance you should maintain between your vehicle and other large commercial vehicles?

3 / 30

Whenever you are backing up a vehicle, you should back the vehicle into the view side, not the blind side. Why?

4 / 30

When you are approaching a roundabout or traffic circle, you must yield to vehicles that are already in the roundabout or traffic circle. If, however, you and another vehicle arrive at the roundabout or traffic circle at the same time, what must you do?

5 / 30

Especially with a longer vehicle or a combination vehicle, you want to reduce your speed as you enter the curve. Which of the following is optimal for maintaining control over your vehicle on a curve?

6 / 30

When curving to the right, especially in a large vehicle, which of the following should you do so that your rear wheels don't drop off the pavement or go onto the pavement shoulder?

7 / 30

You are driving a combination tractor-trailer and you are about to make a 90° turn from a side street onto a main street of a town. Which of the following must you consider when deciding how sharp your turn must be?

8 / 30

Animals are a significant risk on a roadway. You do everything you can do safely to avoid hitting an animal, but if it is a large animal and you can't stop in time, which of the following should you do to reduce the risk of the animal coming through your windshield?

9 / 30

You are driving a tractor-trailer combination slowly up a hill on a multi-lane highway. Which of the following should you do to increase safety?

10 / 30

It is dark outside, and your tractor-trailer combination has become disabled. You have pulled the vehicle off the travelled part of the roadway as far as you were able. Which of the following must you also do?

11 / 30

You have been caught driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .05%. You were caught two years ago with a BAC of .07%. What consequences do you face?

12 / 30

Which of the following can you do to reduce your vehicle's danger zone any time you sense a possible hazard?

13 / 30

With respect to traffic flow, which of the following is correct?

14 / 30

If you are driving a vehicle larger than a taxi or limousine, what 'rule' should you follow to maintain a safe driving distance between you and the vehicle in front of you (assuming normal driving conditions)?

15 / 30

How should you shift gears in order to keep your vehicle stable and provide good acceleration as you leave a curve?

16 / 30

What is the wheelbase of a vehicle?

17 / 30

You are driving a bus, and just ahead you need to make a sharp right turn. Following proper procedures, you position the bus one to two metres from the curb as you approach, then which of the following should you do?

18 / 30

A slow-moving vehicle red triangle is reserved for display by which of the following?

19 / 30

At least one fire extinguisher must be carried on each of the following: limited passenger vehicles that have an authorized seating capacity of more than 10, all public passenger vehicles, and all school buses. What type of vehicle must carry at least two (2) fire extinguishers?

20 / 30

Do drivers of large vehicles have to worry about blind spots where the driver can't see anything?

21 / 30

The most dangerous point in a sharp (around 90°) turn for a tractor trailer combination is when the tractor has made the turn but the trailer hasn't. Why?

22 / 30

Backing up a large vehicle is difficult, and you should avoid doing so when you can. If, however, you cannot, which of the following is NOT one of the precautions you should take when backing up?

23 / 30

Never do which of the following when you are crossing a railway crossing?

24 / 30

You have been convicted of your first offence of driving while impaired with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of over .08. During this first offence, you caused an accident that resulted in an individual's death. What is the maximum prison sentence you face in these circumstances?

25 / 30

When curving to the left, especially in a large vehicle, which of the following should you do so that your rear wheels don't enter the next lane of traffic?

26 / 30

What is a vehicle's danger zone?

27 / 30

Non-Graduated Licensing Program drivers, including commercial drivers, are permitted to use hands-free cellphones and devices as long as the device: only requires touching a single button to activate or deactivate, and that single button is located in a fixed and secure location

28 / 30

You are parking on a downgrade. What types of vehicles should be parked with the wheels turned right towards the edge of the roadway?

29 / 30

Which of the following vehicles are required to stop at all uncontrolled main railway crossings?

30 / 30

Which of the following is true about the connection between a vehicle's wheelbase and its off tracking?

Your score is


Commercial drivers are responsible for maintaining safety on the road for themselves and other drivers, pedestrians, and the environment. One of the most crucial rules is to obey speed limits and other traffic signs, especially in busy areas or residential neighborhoods. The use of cell phones or any electronic devices while driving is strictly prohibited to prevent driver distraction. Commercial drivers must also undergo drug and alcohol testing to ensure they are fit for duty, as impaired driving can lead to fatal accidents. In addition, commercial vehicles must meet safety standards and be periodically inspected to ensure their fitness for the road. Commercial drivers must abide by these traffic rules and regulations to promote safety and prevent accidents on British Columbia roads.

Remember, our tests are similar to the official BC professional drivers test you must take and pass to attain your commercial driver’s licence. No practice test can be the same as the official one, as they change often. Still, by practicing with them in conjunction with your “driving commercial vehicles – a guide for professional drivers” handbook, you will be well on your way to attaining your CDL in a short period.